Pes 2019 ,2020,2023,2024 cheat codes for ps4, ps3, ps2 game

NOTE: You most be calm while testing this code as they might be hard sometimes 

Cheat codes for ps4

1. Command cancel

Press R1 and R2 to cancel whatever action the player was about to take and regain full control. This includes shooting or passing.

2. Positioning (High Balls)

You can adjust the positioning by using LEFT STICK while holding R2.

3. Change Strategy

Switch Preset Tactics by holding the Up or Down Directional Buttons. Controls may change depending camera angle.

4. Switch Advanced INSTRUCTIONS

Push Directional Buttons with L2 to turn Advanced Instructions ON/OFF.

The setting can also be changed during set pieces.

Advanced Instructions have 9 attacking instructions and 6 defending. Try to select the strategy most appropriate for your players’ strengths and the nature of the opposition.

ATTACK 1 ON/OFF L2 + UP Button




5. Switch Attack or Defence Level

You can switch the Attack/Defence Level by pushing UP and DOWN on the Directional buttons. The higher the level, the more the players tend to take up attacking positions and vice versa.

The setting can also be changed during set pieces.

Raise the Attack/Defence Level – UP Button X 2

Lower the Attack/Defence Level – DOWN Button X 2

*Control using the LEFT or RIGHT buttons when Camera Settings are “Vertical” or “Player”.

When the Attack/Defence Level is at its highest level, the CB can come forward and threaten the opposition’s goal. Also, when taking corner kicks during extra time,

On the other hand, if it’s at its lowest level, your whole team will play defensively. Switch the level according to the situation and time remaining, making the right choice at just the right time will lead to a dramatic game!

6. How to Change The Camera Angle

Press the Touch Pad button to change the camera angle between the ball and the players on the pitch.

7. Cheat codes for PS 2

GgDuring a game, any type of game, pause it and enter the following cheats/codes (WARNING these cheats may only work for the platinum version!):

  1. Big heads: L1 L2 O square O square R2 R1 up down up down up down.
  2. Small heads: L1 L2 O square O square R2 R1 left right left right left right.
  3. FAT keepers: L1 L2 O square O square R2 R1 up down up down down up.

8. Cheat codes for ps 3

Better players

  • Enter 1999 as a code when editing a player to increase every players' stats by 5 points.
  • Worse players
  • Enter 2999 as a code when editing a player to decrease every players' stats by 5 points.
  • Change player stats
  • Enter one of the following codes to add or subtract 5 points to every players' stats on that team:👇👇

           Team                                Add stats       Subtract stats

  • AC Milan (AC Milan).              1094                 2094
Aquitaine (Bordeaux)             1080                 2080
    Argentina                                  1042                 2042
      AS Rome (AS Roma)                1095                 2095
        Athenakos (Panathinikos).    1093                 2093
          Australia                                    1055                2055
            Austria                                       1000                2000
              Azur (Monaco)                         1078                2078
                Belgium                                     1001                2001
                  Bourgogne (Auxerre)              1079                2079
                    Brazil                                          1043                2043
                      Bruxelles (Anderlecht)           1063                2063
                        Bulgaria                                     1002               2002
                          Byzantinobul (Galatasary)     1123               2123
                            Cameroon                                  1031               2031
                              Cataluna (Barcelona)              1118               2118
                                Chamartin (Real Madrid)       1119               2119
                                  Chile                                           1044               2044
                                    China                                          1050               2050
                                      Classic Argentina                     1056               2056
                                        Classic Brazil                             1057              2057
                                          Classic England                         1058              2058
                                            Classic France                           1059               2059
                                              Classic Germany                       1060.              2060
                                                Classic Italy.                               1061               2061
                                                  Classic Netherlands                 1062               2062
                                                    Colombia.                                   1045.              2045
                                                      Constantinahce (Fenerbahce) 1122              2122
                                                        Costa Rica                                    1038              2038
                                                          Croatia                                         1003              2003
                                                            Czech Republic.                         1004               2004
                                                              Denmark                                     1005               2005
                                                                Donosti (Real Sociedad)           1120               2120
                                                                  East London (West Ham)         1077              2077
                                                                    Ecuador.                                      1046              2046
                                                                      Egypt.                                           1032              2032
                                                                        England.                                      1006.             2006
                                                                          Esportiva (Sporting Lisbon)    1110              2110
                                                                            Feyenoord (Feyenoord)            1106              2106
                                                                              Finland                                         1007              2007
                                                                                France                                          1008              2008

                                                                                Zidane Spin

                                                                                To do a Zidane Spin (360 step over), rotate the Right Analog-stick in a full 360 degree turn. Pressing R3 will do a manual pass instead.

                                                                                Jay Jay Okocha-style Standing Chip n' Chase

                                                                                Press Right Analog-stick Down then Right Analog-stick Up quickly to chip the ball over the oppositions head.

                                                                                The Ariel Flickspin

                                                                                The Ariel Flickspin is a trick that requires a bit of practice to get used to. When an Ariel Ball is coming towards you (roughly knee-height) quickly press the Right Analog-stick towards the ball, then away to flick it over the opponent's head from receiving it. Alternately, when an Ariel Ball is coming towards you (roughly knee-height) press the Left Analog-stick, either in the direction opposite the ball or twice in the direction where you bring the ball.

                                                                                Ball over head and go

                                                                                For this trick, it is important the ball/player positions be correct. The ball must be chest or knee-height. It works if your player's back is in the direction that you want to go. There is a chip pass over head using three different commands:

                                                                                Quickly press the Left Analog-stick towards the ball, then away to flick it overhead.

                                                                                Press the Left Analog-stick twice in the direction that the ball is going (your back).

                                                                                First-passing by pressing R1 + Circle + direction of the ball (Note: Chip shot is more powerful).

                                                                                Side running

                                                                                Press R2 + your side direction, then release the direction while continuing to hold R2. You will do a side run.

                                                                                Go back defending the ball

                                                                                When you are side walking with the ball (R2 + direction, then release direction), you can go back with the ball and turn by holding the Left Analog-stick very lightly.

                                                                                Lowest cross

                                                                                Press Down and leave the shoot status bar at maximum to have a very dangerous lowest cross at first post.

                                                                                Forward vs. Goalie

                                                                                When you reach the white line, you are in counter-attack alone against the goalie. Use the Right Analog-stick Down or Up instead of L1 + Square.

                                                                                Easy goals

                                                                                The following combinations are very good for shooting goals:

                                                                                From an opposite goalie shot, press R1 +Circle, R1 + Circle, R1 + Square.

                                                                                From the corner, press X , Circle , Square.

                                                                                From the corner, press X , Triangle ,Circle, Square.

                                                                                From the corner, press Circle + Down, Square.